Sunday, June 10, 2012

Oh the joys of the prediabetes and pms

Lord have mercy! Since getting diagnoised with prediabetes I've noticed my pms is incredibly TERRIBLE!!! I knew it was horrible back in Oklahoma and getting worse but I attributed it just to the fact that I hated where I worked.  But now, oy vei!  I could kill a person to get any kind of sugar and have been staring at the honey pot with serious contemplation of devouring the entire thing coupled with a huge ass plate of vegetarian nachos and a side of chocolate ice cream.  And some wine, cannot foget the wine!  I've drank my chocolate shakeology, in the hopes of kicking the sugar craving, taken my st johns wort and waiting for my valerian root to kick in to go to sleep.  But God damn it's not working! 

The next awesome joy of pms and (pre)diabetes is the huge ass mood swings.  And with the husband gone I've just been wallowing and feeling quite depression-y.  Again st john's wort helps take the edge off and dance and cardio help so much. Ugh, let me tell you if you thought PMS was terrible with nothing wrong, try having it when you have a terrible time trying to regulate you blood sugar and horomones on a normal day!!  I am definitely not trying to say that PMS doesn't suck ass for every single woman out there (unless you're one of those bitches who get really happy and crave vegetables and lose weight during this time, then we hate you God bless your heart) but trying to deal with this shit is driving me up a wall!!!!!  Luckily I found at least a few things on the internet to read and had some suggestions, so hopefully this will serve as at least a "you're not alone" thing. 

So go have some nachos and ice cream for me will ya?  Then tell me how amazing it was! 

peace y'all

Saturday, June 2, 2012


The house is super empty now.  I feel a mix between jealousy that he's the one going on deployment and I am left behind dealing with the same thing day in/day out.  But i also feel awkward, like I don't really know how to do this.  I don't know how to be the one who's left behind.  I barely know how to be a wife and now i'm the "deployment" wife.  Ugh.  The dog has been watching either out the window or at the door intently waiting for daddy to come home.  Brookie is such a daddy's girl. She's gonna go ape shit when he gets home :)  So tonight I am already in my pajamas, and full of food.  I had planned on going to the gym after he left since I have a recital sunday, but just not feeling up to it.  So spa day tomorrow then a quick workout I suppose and a run through of my performance.  I feel a little lost right now.  Talk to ya'll later.

Peace y'all