Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Race to the End, Much?

Damn, my ADD really seems to be kicking in this past month......I'll blame it on the nesting instincts though that have me so distracted and unable to focus on anything.

Although I've had a lot going on to keep me occupied.  First, I've been trying to put together a business plan and get a small business loan to open a home daycare. I'm trying to open said daycare in the home we are currently under contract on, and set to move into on July 3rd.......and my EDD (estimated due date) is July 7th........yah.  We'll see how that one plays out!  Plus, we are trying desperately to find someone to take over the lease on our rental house since we did not expect to be closing so soon and are in the middle of our lease!  It's been one hell of a crazy ride the past month!

It's Got Potential!!!

On top of all that stress, my body has been quietly actively gearing up for labor, Braxton Hicks contractions have become the norm, morning and night, and I've even had a few bouts of actual contractions that lasted most of the day without any real progress being made.  Since I've been going to the chiropractor to help flip my little man, my body has both relaxed and become more effective at the same time, if that makes any sense lol. So, I don't feel Little Man is stressing out nearly as much as he was which is great, but at the same time now my body is going "OK! Things are working effectively, let's start getting this show on the road!"  It's been interesting, to say the least!

I'm trying to convince Dustin, that after all this craziness, I deserve to have a margarita ready and waiting for me as soon as I deliver.........I'll get the yes. I alllllllllwwwaaaaaaays get the yes. (To quote Barney Stintson)

Lots to come!

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