Sunday, February 5, 2012

Homemade laudry detergent

                                                  HAPPY SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!!!!

I told you guys this shit was gonna happen!!!!!

So finally got around to making the god forsaken laundry soap.....and I don't know why I DIDN'T DO THIS SOONER!!!!!!!!!  To buy the ingredients to make the detergent were less than buying a reglar 64 load thing of tide by a loooooong shot!

 64 load bottle of tide at the comissary = $13.94.

Box of Arm&Hammer Washing soda, box of borax, and 3 pack of ivory soap = $7.73

We're already saving money here, and I only used 1 bar of soap, 1/2 cup of washing soda, and 1/2 cup of borax. Granted this was the liquid version since we have a new HE front loader, but they have recipes for powder detergent also using the same ingredients.  And I gotta give credit where credit is due, found the recipe at

Here's my breakdown:

1) Shave about 1/2 bar of Ivory (or Fels Naptha) into a soup pan, then add 6 cups of water, heat until soap has melted.
2) Add 1/2 cup of the Washing Soda and 1/2 cup of Borax to the mixture, stir until dissolved.
3) Using a 2-3GAL bucket pour in 4 cups of hot water, add soap mixture and stir. (I added about 2 teaspoons of Lavender essential oil to this to give a bit of a nice sent)
4) Then add 1 Gal, plus 6 cups of water and stir.
5) Let sit over night to gel up.

The notes of the website let you know that the detergent will not become a solid gel but will have the "consistancy of egg drog soup" and it does kind of look like it.  Also if a little extra cleaning power is needed, the always handy dandy oxi-clean can be added into the load.

Use 1/2 cup per load. 

The boxes of washing soda and borax I got were huge, and I fully expect to be able to make around 15 batches of laundry detergent, for less than the cost of 1 container of store detergent!!!!!!!!!!!
It only took about 30 minutes to make this and I am thrilled to not have a bunch of artificial dyes, chemicals and sents going onto my clothes.  This was so easy I am now looking at making homemade dish soap and household cleaners as well!!!! I'll keep you informed!!

Peace y'all!!!

Happy Superbowl Sunday!!


  1. ahh you did it!!! i have been wanting to for a while but just havent gotten around to it :) as for household cleaners, i do use white vinegar more often. i sent you an invite for pinterest, if it went thru you can find some tips on my page for using it and other cleaning recipes:)

  2. I got the pinterest invite thanks much! It's so addicting, and kinda overwhelming lol there's so much to look at! Def try the laundry detergent, it even made my pan look amazing lol!
