Sunday, July 1, 2012

Don't drink the Water!!!!!!!

Good now that I have your attention..............

I have been telling people for years to not eat things with artificial sweetners.  To not drink energy drinks and diet soda.  Why you ask?  Well becuase of a scandously back- doored, carconogenic, used-to-embalm-dead-test-animals drug.  Yes drug.  It's called aspertame, and has somehow miraculously been allowed to become the #1 commonly used drug/artificial enhancer-sweetner dispite the numerous studies that have been done discrediting it's use and it's so-called health benefits.  The "inventor" of this so-called wonder sweetner actually ended up offering jobs in his corporation and firms to members of the FDA and somehow it got approved. Coincidence?  I think not. 

I write this because I am furious.  People either know what this shit does to you and don't think it will happen to them, or they just don't care.  I have a family member facing terminal cancer that originated in his kindeys (after they failed from trying to keep filtering out the chemicals from abuse of diet soda) that raced to his lungs and finally up to his brain.  He is now facing chemo that most people die from anyway.  I'm sure a lot of my family is going to get pissed about this, but facts are facts.  If you overconsume any kind of drug you will die.  Period.  He is dying, from his self inflicted drug consumption. 

Do your freaking research people!  Just because it's "low-calorie" or "sugar free" does not mean chemical free or even healthy for you.  People have become so ignorant and blinded by shiny brightly colored lables touting false health claims that they are now dying from it.  Stop putting chemicals in your bodies you idiots!!!!!!!!  Am I the picture of perfect eating and health? Fuck no, I love doritos, ice cream, margarine rather than butter, and yoplait light (which btw has aspertame as one of it's main ingredients then has it's sister ingredients lower down on the list).  But I am educated. I read the labels and recognize what ingredients are.  I actually think about what I am putting in my body.  Just try it.  Picture a vial full of a labratory manufactured chemical.  Now picture pouring it over your cereal, into your juice.  Picture the animals and people that are embalmed with a by-ingredient of this "low calorie" artificial sweetner.  And trust me, real food tastes much better than chemically enhanced crap. 

I am about to probably lose a family member to a painful and slow process that could have been avoided by simply taking better care of himself.  It's simple shit people.  Do your research don't believe everything you are told, and think for yourself!  If not for yourself, then do it for your family and friends.  Help make sure your children have a better chance at not getting cancer from the other million things that are causing it these days by giving them a healthy body that is able to fight off illness like this. 

I'm done. D.U.N dun.

Peace y'all

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