Saturday, February 19, 2011

To begin with........the "whys"

So I'm not exactly sure what drove me to start a blog. I've decidedly been an opponent of them, for quite some time. But since getting stationed in Oklahoma 2 years ago, i've gone through a whirlwind of change and discovery, and started being more in tune with what the universe tries to tell you. So here I am. I guess I will find out why I'm blogging and what for and about the same time you guys are.

So lying here in bed having just carb-loaded waiting for my Tylenol PM to kick in after having only slept a couple hours after drinking all night with friends. What a night! And it was extra special since the work schedule here doesn't really allow time to have much of a private life, let alone a social one. I'm sure there are some who will call me immature for being 26 and excited to go get drunk but I was and I did lol. It wasn't so much the drinking, it was the act of drinking and having fun with people. I've realized I'm a happy drinker. I can't drink if I'm not happy, I litteraly have to force it down my throat and that's not a healthy relationship to have with alcohol. Maybe it's my grandfather watching out for me since he was an alcoholic for most of his life not wanting, so yes, I do think he hangs around and lets me know in his own way when I am not being responsible with it. Well, I can't really think of anything else right now, will talk to you all again later!

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