Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vive la France!

So I have been contemplating on where to go for my terminal leave for the past few weeks. I know it sounds silly but this is probably the one chance I will have in my life to just go, wherever I want, by myself. Had been dileberating on Canada or the Northwest Pacific, but none of that really said "yes, this is where you should be!" So for one reason or another I started learning French, then it hit me, duh! France is where I should go! Started doubting myself of course and coming up with every reason I could not to go. But realized if I don't go now, I never will. I also realized that by staying in country for all of my terminal leave, I was doing so strictly for other people and would end up regretting it and being angry with them and myself for doing something (again!) only for other people and not for me. I had started planning on hibernating to the mountains out east, when that little voice popped up and said, "no try France". And it felt right when it said it, I felt calm and peaceful and happy when I listened to it. When I thought about spending my entire leave State side I just felt blah, and outside myself. So after remembering that I also have friends spread throughout Europe that I haven't seen since high school, this just seems better and better! So now I am in the process of looking for the right region to stay and a place to rent for a month. The Universe and my guides haven't let me down so far and I know that if I trust in them, then this extended vacation will go exactly as I desire it to, and how it should!!!!!!!
   Moral of the story today, listen to your Guides!!!!!!!!!!

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