Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lessons on the importance of Healthy Bounderies!!

So even though I've had almost 12 hours of sleep, I am still so energetically drained. I attended a birth yesterday and the first part of it went just fantastic!!! I am so proud of the momma for keeping her cool, inwardly focusing and doing amazing breathing during her contractions which I know had to be pretty strong since she was on Pitocin and they had upped it 3 times already! Then she felt as though she was loosing it so opted for an epidural. I thought she could do it, but it's not my place to argue with her or tell her what to do. It is my place to support her, no matter what decision she makes. Well not suprisingly the baby's FHT (fetal heart tones) and her blood pressure took a turn for the worse. We'll skip ahead a few hours to the pushing. While momma was pushing, I noticed that I was starting to get lightheaded, felt the blood draining form me, and knew i had to throw up. This happened 3 or 4 times and only when she was straining and pushing. Looking back now I realized i was picking up on her and the baby's vibes which were letting me know that niether one of them had the proper oxygen they needed. skipping ahead some more. I almost lost it when the baby's head was finally born, the cord was wrapped around the neck and her head was white.....not even purple, but white. I knew we had a dead baby on our hands, thankfully the amazing staff got in right away, and her little soul decided to stay! It took me a few minutes to pull myself together but after I did I was right back to work.
The big lesson here was that I didn't keep my energetic bounderies, which hindered my ability to help both momma and baby. If I had been an attending midwife instead of just the Doula, I would not have been able to do my job and the baby might have died. So what to do now? I refuse to call it quits just because I am senstive to other's vibes and energies they put out. So practicing focusing, realizing what the vibe is and knowing what it is telling me is super important, but then also so it feeling the vibe and then remaining grounded and centered and letting the vibe roll right off of me. I'm not sure how i'm going to pull that one off, something to definetely discuss with my healer next time I visit her.  but in the meantime I'm going to try and recuperate myself. I had a good cry in the shower this morning, thanking all the guides and angels that were with us in the delivery room last night, then went for a run to pull myself together, and I feel a little more myself now. 
To all my other "momma dealers" as I affectionatley call all of us, please always remember to have your healthy bounderies! You never realize how important it is until you're in the weeds, wondering which way is up!
Blessings to all!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you sis...always have been but am especially proud as I read this. I can't wait to have you at my side when I deliver (far far future...) because I know that you are always going to do a great job. Can't wait to keep reading about what you learn!
