Monday, March 24, 2014

Ways of Inspiration

Inspiration is a funny thing. It comes to you in the plainest of moments, in the quietest, most uninspiring ways.  A gentle nudge from inside reminding you that you are destined to do great things in life.  A pull towards something creative is usually the inspiration. A desire to paint again ( or for the first time), sculpting, cooking, writing.  All of these inspirations are brought to us when we are ready to move forward, ready to evolve into another, higher version of our best Self. Nature, while not always my inspiration, usually gets me centered and grounded, which leads to inspiration.  I receive inspiration while I'm just sitting around or in the shower.  It is usually a whispered thought in my head, along with confidence and the sudden desire to use something as an outlet; painting or writing lately, and in the past, my dance.  

Inspiration can be for creativeness, or for receiving instruction from a higher power (whether your Self, or God, or Nature, it is all a higher power) which will lead you down the path that you are supposed to be moving on or towards.  Being still and quiet are some of the best ways to receive inspiration, you don't even have to be looking for it.  Usually when you are just trying to put your life back together and calm yourself down is when you will feel that lightness surround you and that desire to just do something takes over your body.

Ways to help get inspired

  • Walk in Nature. Fresh air will always bring you back to center, and moving the blood in your body stimulates your brain, which gets the "creative juices" flowing.
  • Sit on a hill, or a mountain, or up in a tree.  Height gives perspective. Perspective brings thoughts. Thoughts turn into musings, which lead to creativity and the possibility for inspiration.
  • Meditate. 5 minutes a day of just sitting quietly and letting your body be open to messages can make a world of difference. You don't have to do the "om" sound, nor be a guru looking for enlightenment. But a peaceful person is a happy person.  Try my guided meditation here.
  • Read a book, listen to classical music, watch a documentary.  It's so tempting to watch all the normal crap on tv, as a way of numbing ourselves from the day to day struggles we endure, whatever they may be.  But silencing all that nonsensical noise and putting on something that engages the brain, and thus you, can help spark some activity in the creative and analytical parts of our brain, leading to inspiration to try or learn something new.
  • Times of crisis are great opportunities for receiving inspiration.  This is not to celebrate crisis, or downplay it. Lord knows, I have had many moments of crisis where all I could do was lay in bed and eat myself sick.  But after the initial shock has worn off, we look for ways to feel better.  And it is in those time of looking to feel better that we often are inspired to try something new, do something different, be a different person. Just be sure that you are paying attention to what you are being drawn to; is it helpful or hurtful? How does it make you feel? If the answer is "numb" or "I don't care" then it is not helpful and it may be a wise decision to not pay attention to that information.
  • Look at something pretty.  Flowers, fashion magazines, the scenery outside your house are all great places to get inspiration.  
  • Clean the clutter.  In Feng Shui clutter is the ultimate bad energy keeper. It slows down the chi and blocks it from circulating throughout the house efficiently.  How can you be creative or inspired in rooms where things are piled high in corners, or it is dark and dingy. I am not the best housekeeper, but I definitely feel it when clutter becomes too much. I feel more drained, slower, heavier. Simply cleaning one corner a day will do much to help the chi in your space.
  • Pinterest.  Not even kidding. I have a board called Back to the Brush, where I have pinned art that inspires me, painting techniques, and just beautiful things that helped inspire me to pick up the brush again to help me heal in a time of crisis.
  • Religion.  I am not mainstream religion. I have always leaned more towards Native American beliefs, and after having a professor who was a Lakota Shaman, that sealed the deal for me.  Religion can be a beautiful thing, no matter what you believe (or don't believe) in.  For some, reading the bible can bring inspiration.  For others, it can be the teachings of Buhddah or the scripture in the Torah or Q'uaran.  
Whatever fills you with a feeling of lightness, whatever gives you a drive to do something in life however minimal it may seem, is inspiration.  Don't ignore it. It's one of the best gifts you can receive while living on this awesome rock we call Earth.

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